Become a Sponsor
Does your business value the LGBTQIA2S+ employees, customers, clients, members, and communities that they serve? Show your true colors by becoming a 2022 PRIDE SPONSOR.
Get in touch via to connect with one of our Board members who will be happy to talk about the right match for you and your business. Thank you for your support!
Does your company have an LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group (ERG)? Get in touch with us to talk more about how you can get involved in the parade, as volunteers, and more!
CNY Pride is a family friendly event that holds space for all consensual, empowered expressions of sexuality and gender. It is likely that some people may encounter new expressions of gender and sexuality at CNY Pride that may make some people uncomfortable or require discussion. Please visit our Pride Info Booth if you'd like assistance in discussing, explaining, or processing any of the things you encounter or learn about this Pride!